• We are currently only able to schedule farm visits by appointment only. In addition to working off the farm, we farm numerous locations that require us to be off site throughout the year. Our farm is a ground up operation. When we purchased our North Branch location, it was unimproved land with no buildings, power, or water. We have many projects in progress that will make our farm a wonderful place to visit once completed. We are proud of our farm, and look forward to having more visitors as we complete it. If you are interested in visiting the farm we welcome a phone call or email and we will be happy to plan a visit.

  • Our orchard is still quite young and won’t be fully productive for a while. Our oldest trees were just allowed to fruit for the first time in 2023. We are considering opening sections of the orchard up for private u-pick by appointment only, starting in 2024-2025. If this is something that interests you, please reach out and you may help us make our decision!

  • We are not certified organic.

    As the scale of our farm increases we may consider organic certification in the future. Many of our production models, practices, and values mirror organic practices. For example we use many non- GMO and certified organic seeds in our perennial pastures. We use no herbicides anywhere on the farms, owned or leased. We don’t use any sprays in our orchard that are not certified for organic production. Many of our fields are bordered by northern white cedar fence posts, which means they are not treated with any chemicals.

    We find our values currently fall in line with regenerative practices. Regenerative models are often outcome based, while many organic production practices are process based. Tillage, as an example, is a common weed control measure in organic models, despite the known negative ecological outcome. As our fields are transformed into perennial pastures we are moving away from all tillage on our farms. Our methods of holistic grazing and livestock management eliminate the need for routine antibiotics. We do however prioritize animal welfare; and if an animal needs a non organic medical intervention, we will provide that medication to ensure the health and well-being of the animal. We rarely have to use antibiotics or other medications, however if we do these interventions are documented, and all pre-slaughter intervals are followed. Transparency is our top priority, and we are always learning and growing.

  • Hanging weight is the weight of the animal after slaughter, when many of the unusable portions have been removed. Hanging weights can be “hot” or “cold”. Hot weights are taken shortly after slaughter before the carcass has a chance to dry and cool. We instruct our butcher to take cold weights. Cold weights are taken after the carcasses has aged in a cooler. This weight is typically less as some of the moisture in the meat has been eliminated.

    Why charge based on hanging weight? Well, because that allows us to standardize pricing while allowing our customers to fully customize their orders. Two halves of the same animal may have different weights depending on whether meat is smoked, bones were removed, or additional fat was trimmed off. Finish weight is typically around 60-65% of hanging weight. An animal that hangs at 225 lbs, will often produce approximately 135 lbs of finished cuts.

  • Many people are unfamiliar with different cutting options, and aren’t sure how to custom order their cuts. We’ve found our butchers to be the best resource for people needing help with their cut sheet. We will provide you with the contact information for the processor, and we recommend you call them directly to discuss your options. They are often able to provide custom processing options over the phone that go beyond the options listed on their standard cut sheets. We are also happy to give recommendations and are always here to answer any questions.

  • The amount of freezer space you need can vary depending on the size of the animal and your cut selections. Most standard freezers are capable of storing 1/4 beef or 1/2 hog. A dedicated chest or stand up style freezer is recommended for 1/2 or whole beefs and whole hogs. We prefer stand up freezers for the ease of retrieving your desired cuts.

    Please keep in mind that your meat will be frozen upon pickup. If you allow your meat to defrost, additional freezer space will be required to re-freeze your meat. Many freezers can not reliably re-freeze defrosted food in time to maintain food safety if they are filled to capacity with defrosted food.

  • Our butchers only offer custom cutting of pigs to the half, and beef to the quarter. Part of the reason for this is the ability to equitably separate cuts. We have customers that choose to purchase shares with friends or family to reduce the amount purchased. This is an option for those who don’t have the space to store bulk meat. We found that it’s easier to equitably share a 1/2 pig than it is to share a 1/4 cow. Those sharing pork often choose to have their meat turned into smoked products that are easier to divide. Sharing a 1/4 beef is doable, however it’s more difficult to equitably divide it further because of the limited number of premium cuts. If you purchase bulk meat with others, we will only invoice one party.

  • We began planting our orchard in 2021 with a focus on apples that would produce outstanding hard cider. Many of the varieties we grow are excellent for eating and cooking. In fact some taste better than many of the mainstream varieties found at most stores and orchards. Most apples destined for fresh consumption are chosen because they are appealing to the eye and have excellent keeping qualities. Our primary goals were to plant apples that were disease resistant and delicious! As a result, many of the cultivars in our orchard produce apples that are russeted, or prone to develop beautiful blemishes. As with many things in life, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you see blemishes on our apples, know it is because we do not use harmful chemicals. This means they are safe to eat and we think that is beautiful!

    Currently in our orchard we have Wickson Crab, Liberty, Virginia Crab, Golden Russet, Winecrisp, Harrison, Chestnut Crab, Roxbury Russet, Goldrush, Pixie Crunch, Dabinet, Enterprise, Court Pendu Plat and Ashmead’s Kernel.

If you have a question that is not listed in our FAQs, please reach out to us! Contact